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Country and Geopolitical Risk
Use for: large collection of risk measurement indicators
Click on the National, Country, and Geopolitical category to access 50+ indices that measure areas of risk such as corruption, productivity, economic health, ethics/human rights, technology, governance, and regulatory environment.
Use for: open access quarterly risk assessments
Coface freely provides 160 frequently updated country evaluations based on macroeconomic, financial, and political data. In addition, twelve sectors from six geographical regions, are assessed every quarter.
Use for: ranking resilience of 130 counties to disruption
This tool ranks the resilience of 130 countries and territories according to their enterprise resilience to disruptive events. An easy-to-use graphical and numerical interface allows you to compare countries. Open Access.
Use for: open access global political risk insights
On Global Risk Insights’ open access site, over 300 political risk analysts provide insights into political developments around the world. You can browse by region or by topic: Politics, Econ, Security, Natural Resources, Tech or Finance.
Use for: detailed disaster/crises risk factors by country
INFORM is a global, open-source risk assessment for monitoring the potential impact of humanitarian crises and disasters. It can be used to support decisions about supply chain disaster prevention, preparedness, and response.
Use for: geopolitical risk updates and analysis
PRISM helps enterprises proactively prepare for global disruptions. Their NextRisk Tracker provides customized monthly briefings and crisis simulations to address global risks that may impact supply chains.
Use for: geopolitical intelligence
Stratfor has three offerings: Worldview, Threat Lens, and Advisory Services. Worldview provides quarterly, yearly and decade-out forecasts of global trends and events. Threat Lens provides customized key global security insights.
Use for: U.S. relationships with other countries
Here you can get links to key US State Dept. publications that include: Bilateral Relations Factsheets (Countries & Areas tab), and Country Reports on Terrorism, Human Rights, Religious Freedom, and Trafficking in Persons (Policy Issues tab).
Use for: multiple indices assess location risk anywhere
This legacy-rich risk data provider allows an organization to benchmark exposure using 150+ indices to quickly and accurately assess inherent risk for any location worldwide, and monitor the trajectory of risk over time.
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